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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Weaving New Learning Links: Looking Back, Seeing Ahead, Probing Shared Lives, Perceiving the Parts

Description: This project proposes a collaborative exploration of the Kenilworth Corridor component of the Light Rail Transit (LRT) installation from Eden Prairie to central Minneapolis, a topic that includes some controversy in the affected communities. The approach includes a multi-generational team of researchers whose focus will be on the role of personal place heritage in the development of and discussion about such projects in a community setting. The inclusion of three generations in the project team will help in a consideration of the potential impacts of life cycle ranges and stages on issues of community development.

Openings: 2 undergraduate students

Ideal Candidates: undergraduates who have lived in a city with a substantial underground transit system, particularly one that runs under a body of water. No requirement for a particular major although preference for one candidate in CDES

Skills: strong writing skills, ability to work collaboratively

Contact: Roger Clemence, cleme001@umn.edu